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Laser Crystals and Components

Pockels Cells

A Pockels Cell is an optical device used to switch the polarization direction of light. The core element of a Pockels cell is an electro-optical crystal (e.g. BBO, DKDP, etc.) with metal electrodes attached to its terminal which functions through the Pockels Effect. Pockels cells can be regarded as voltage-controlled waveplates. When light propagates in the electro-optic crystals integrated into the pockels cells and a voltage is applied to the EO crystal, phase retardation is introduced in the transmitted light, which leads to the subsequent change of the polarization direction of light. Therefore the polarization state can be manipulated by adjusting the applied voltage. Because their switching behavior have a strong dependence on the drive electronics, Pockels cells offer a much faster response time than acousto-optic devices. Pockels cells are fundamental components for EO modulators and Q-switches for lasers. Hangzhou Shalom EO offers the pockels cells made from DKDP crystals, BBO crystals and LiNbO3 or MgO:LiNbO3 crystals.  

The characteristics of DKDP crystal are that it is easier to obtain large pieces of high-quality single crystals, and it has good transmittance to visible light and a high damage threshold, the Pockels cells made using DKDP have large aperture and high damage tolerance and are often used in medical, cosmetic and industrial lasers.

Pockels cells made of BBO crystals is a good option for ultra-violet (UV) lasers, and BBO pockels cells are also excellent for high-power lasers with high pulse repetition rates.

LiNbO3 pockels cell has stable chemical properties, low cost, and good optical transmission up to 3 micros, with high electro-optical coefficients. It is often used in the medical lasers. Compared to the latter, MgO:LiNbO3 pockels have a better damage threshold than LiNbO3.

Hangzhou Shalom EO offers off-the-shelf and custom Pockels Cells with high damage threshold, low insertion loss, and competitive price, various substrate materials are available: DKDP, BBO, LiNbO3, MgO: LiNbO3 pockels cells. Shalom EO also offers the polished, coated DKDP, BBO, and LiNbO3 crystals with Cr-Au electrodes for EO applications.