Nd:YVO4 is an important material in laser technology. Nd: YVO4 refers to neodymium (Nd) doped into yttrium orthovanadate (YVO4) crystal, forming a composite material with excellent optical properties. This material is widely used in laser technology, particularly in solid-state lasers.
Nd:YVO4 is renowned for its efficient optical properties, including high absorption cross section, long fluorescence lifetime, and outstanding laser performance. Its wide spectral bandwidth and high thermal conductivity make Nd:YVO4 the preferred material for high-power laser systems, facilitating precise material processing, advanced research endeavors, and innovative technological solutions across diverse fields. As a result of these advantageous properties, Nd:YVO4 finds widespread application in laser marking, cutting, engraving, scientific research, and various other domains.
Figure 1. Absorption Curve of 0.5% Nd:YVO4 (thickness 4 mm)
Physical and Optical Properties:
Atomic Density | 1.26x1020 atoms /cm3 (Nd1.0%) | Crystal Structure | Zircon Tetragonal, space group D4h-I4/amd a=b=7.1193A,c=6.2892A |
Density | 4.22g/cm3 | Mohs Hardness | 4-5(Glass-like) |
Thermal Expansion Coefficient (300K) | αa=4.43x10-6 /K αc=11.37x10-6 /K | Thermal Conductivity | 5.2W/m/K(@25℃) |
Laser Wavelength | 1064nm,1342nm | Thermal Optical Coefficient (300K) | dno/dT=8.5×10-6 /K dne/dT=2.9×10-6 /K |
Stimulated Emission Cross-section | 25×10-19cm2 @ 1064nm | Pump Wavelength | 808nm |
Chemical Formula | Nd:YVO4 | Fluorescent Lifetime | 90μs(1% Nd doping) |
Absorption Coefficient | 31.4cm-1@810nm | Intrinsic Loss | 0.02cm-1@1064nm |
Gain Bandwidth | 0.96nm@1064nm | Polarized Laser Emission | π polarization; parallel to optic axis(c-axis) |
Diode Pumped Optical to Optical Efficiency | >60% | Sellemeier equations (λ in μm) | n02=3.77834+0.069736/(λ2-0.04724)-0.010813λ2 ne2=4.59905+0.110534/(λ2-0.04813)-0.012676λ2 |
Laser Properties of Nd:YVO4 vs Nd:YAG
Laser Crystal | Doping (atm%) | σ (x10-19cm2) | α (cm-1) | τ (μs) | Lα (mm) | Pth (mW) | ηs (%) |
Nd:YVO4(a-cut) | 1.0 2.0 | 25 25 | 31.2 72.4 | 90 50 | 0.32 0.14 | 30 78 | 52 48.6 |
Nd:YVO4(c-cut) | 1.1 | 7 | 9.2 | 90 | 231 | 45.5 | |
Nd:YAG | 0.85 | 6 | 7.1 | 230 | 1.41 | 115 | 38.6 |
Advantages of Nd:YVO4 Compared to Nd:YAG:
1. Up to five times higher absorption efficiency across a broad pumping bandwidth centered around 808 nm, resulting in reduced dependency on pumping wavelength and a pronounced inclination towards single-mode output.
2. Stimulated emission cross-section at the lasing wavelength of 1064 nm is up to three times larger.
3. Lower lasing threshold and increased slope efficiency.
4. As a uniaxial crystal with significant birefringence, emission is solely linearly polarized.
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