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Rejection Wavelength Range 350-405 & 680-1100nm, Transmission Wavelength Range 440-630nm Shortpass Filter


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Filter TypeShortpass Filter  MaterialK9
Dimension(mm)/Transmission Wavelength Range 440-630nm
Rejection Wavelength Range 350-405&680-1100nm  Cut-on Wavelength650nm±5
Blocking Depth>OD3Transmission Rate>90% Average
Dimensional Tolerance/Surface Quality60/40 S/D
Operating Temperature/Clear Aperture/

Rejection Wavelength Range 350-405 & 680-1100nm, Transmission Wavelength Range 440-630nm  Shortpass Filter, Code:40302-006

Shortpass (SP) filters, also known as shortpass edge filters, transmit light wavelengths shorter than a specified cut-off wavelength. They achieve this through engineered thin-film coatings or absorptive colored glass that interact with incoming light. UV shortpass filters, a critical subtype, allow ultraviolet (UV) light transmission while blocking longer wavelengths, serving applications like fluorescence microscopy and UV spectroscopy. 

Hangzhou Shalom EO uses vacuum coating for TiO2 and SiO2 coatings, offering short-pass filters with cut-off wavelengths ranging from 420-1200nm, spanning the UV to IR spectral range. These filters feature steep cut-off slopes, >90% transmission in the pass zone, and >OD4 rejection in the rejection zone.

Shortpass Filter
>90% average
350-405 & 680-1100nm