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C7980-0F D25.4x6.35 1030nm Low GDD Mirrors, AOI 0°

Code: 125-021


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TypeFlat mirrorMaterialC7980-0F
Flatnessλ/10Surface Quality10 /5 S/D
GDD30fsAngle of Incidence
Damage Threshold300mJ @800nm,100fs

C7980-0F D25.4x6.35 1030nm Low GDD Mirrors, AOI 0°, Code:125-021

Shalom EO’s Femtoline Low GDD Mirrors are designed to provide high reflectance without additional temporal dispersion around a narrow bandwidth of central wavelength for femtoline lasers. The cutting-edge low GDD (Group Delay Dispersion) coating techniques of the mirrors help to minimize phase distortion and maintain the beam profile of the femtosecond pulses during light propagation. The substrates are made from Corning UV fused silica 7980 0F, an excellent low-inclusion glass material with superior optical properties, mechanical strength, and low thermal expansion.

Hangzhou Shalom EO offers stocked Low GDD mirrors with high reflection in the following wavebands or wavelengths: 400nm, 532nm, 800nm, 808nm, 760-840nm, 1030nm, 1000-1060nm, 1064nm, at incident angles of 0 degrees and 45 degrees. Custom GDD mirrors with other reflection wavebands and wavelengths are also accessible upon request.

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